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John's Tinder Account

Age 32 | Gender : Male

👬 together, we could: 🏃 chase each other until we fall 🔥 keep each other warm 💻 HBO&chill 🎠 go on silly, cheap dates 💃 dance our nights away 🏡 save gas, cohabit 🍷 wine and guac 🍳 attempt to cook 🐕 raise pups 💍 gain financial, legal and health benefits 🧗🏻‍♂️attempt #fitnesslife 👑 become a power couple 🔨 build a home 🎮 crush friends at game night 🍼 have 10 kids, teach them how to dream 🧩 fin ea oth puz 🔫 protect each other from nursing homes 🙈 close our eyes until we meet again

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